Presenting your Marketing Strategy
(This can also be done as an email exercise)
- Welcome people to the presentation
- Briefly Explain what the presentation (or email) is about
- Explain that you are summarizing an upcoming marketing strategy for a new product
Marketing Strategy
- Introduction
- Give a quick introduction about the product, including the key features
- Your target audience for the campaign
- Explain who your target audience for the product is
- What age or gender are they?
- What income bracket do they fall under
- Explain how you discovered your target audience
- How did you carry out market research?
- Explain your marketing strategy for the product
- Which forms of digital marketing will you use?
- Social Media?
- Digital Advertising campaigns on Google for example?
- Offline marketing?
- What kinds of ads will you use?
- Videos, images, text?
- Why do you believe that these forms of marketing will be successful?
- How will they present the best features of the product?
- How will they target the audience that they are aiming to attract?
- How will you analyse whether the marketing strategy has been successful?
- Briefly close the presentation and thank people for coming
- Ask if there are any questions