Meeting Agenda - Methods For Marketing A Video Course on a Low Budget

Meeting Aims

You are working for a web-design company, and you are looking for ways to promote your new online video course on web design for freelancers and people starting their own businesses. The course is paid and quite expensive, and you are aware that there is a lot of free content out there, so potential customers need to see the value in your product. The price of the course is around $500. Your budget for marketing the course is very low.

Agenda Items

    • Online marketing opportunities

A) Offer free live webinars

B) Start a blog

C) Paid advertising - Google ads

D) Market the course on social media.  Which social media platforms would be most effective?

- Twitter

- Instagram

- Linkedin

- Facebook

    •  Offline marketing opportunities

A) Attend conferences

B) Seek partnership opportunities

C) Host an event with guest speakers

    • Further suggestions from participants
    • Next steps