Narrative Tenses Gap-Fill Exercise

Below is an article adapted from Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis'.

Fill in the gaps using either the past simple, past continuous or past perfect.  The verbs you need are given in brackets. It is best to read through the article first before you begin the exercise

1. It was pretty late in the autumn of the year, and the evening sun (shine)  through the clouds which (cover)  it all day.  The sun (look) brightly down upon me as I (walk) through the glorious countryside.  I (never see) such beautiful nature before in all of my life.  Eventually I (find) a little pub, where I (sit down) and (take) a drink, before I left to continue on my journey.  After a few more hours night (start) to come.  I (get) lost somehow and I had no idea where I was.  I (walk) in the direction I thought was correct, when I suddenly (hear) a noise behind me..