'Must' or 'Have to' Quiz

Choose the correct answer:

1. I __________ call my parents later. I haven't spoken to them for a long time!
2. I'm sorry I am late. I __________ stay behind at work to finish a task.
3. If the road is closed, we may __________ go a different way.
4. I don't like __________ stay in the airport overnight when our plane is delayed.
5. If you didn't buy a ticket in advance, then you __________ pay a little bit extra.
6. It is raining, but I think we will go on the boat trip anyway. I don't want __________ cancel our reservation and lose our money.
7. People who earn more money should __________ pay more in taxes.
8. We __________ cancel our walk later because it is snowing.
9. The officials told us that we __________ our bags so that they could search them.