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Deal with International Clients with Confidence

Specialist Business English online classes for individuals or groups

Our teachers are trained to put together a program specifically to suit your needs.  








With a focus is purely on getting you the specific vocabulary and grammar that you need to further your career, we have collected 12 years of data based on business discussions with learners every day. We have put together our own vocabulary curriculum of 32 modules designed to make you sound as professional as possible as quickly as possible.

The Fluency Space Vocabulary Curriculum

Based on my experience, I have put together 32 vocabulary modules.  With a strong knowledge of all these modules, you will be able to sound like a real professional in any business scenario.  

Real or Adapted Articles Related to Your Job Position

Over 12 years I have collected an archive of relevant articles related to your specific field of business.  We have adapted many of these articles to focus on vocabulary from the vocabulary curriculum.

Targeted Discussion Based on your Job Position

I have vast experience in discussing a broad range of business fields.  From leadership, marketing, sales, IT, finance. We know the questions to ask to get the most useful vocabulary into your English.

Fluency Space Vocabulary Curriculum Modules

Completely tailored course - We select these modules according to what you will need to discuss with clients

Guide To Business Small-Talk
Sound Professional when Participating in Meetings
Sound Professional when Running Meetings
Sound Professional in Presentations
Sound Professional in Emails
Sound Professional When Discussing Research And Making Decisions
Sound Professional When Talking About Budgets and  Spending
Sound Professional When Making Arrangements and Discussing Timings
Sound Dynamic When Talking About Progress and Improvement
Slowing Down and Stopping Progress
Make Yourself Sound Hard-Working and Knowledgeable
Sound Professional When Talking about Causes and Consequences
Sound Creative When Coming Up With New Ideas
Sound Convincing When Talking About Change
Sound Professional When Talking about Being Busy and Prioritizing
Being Seen
Sound like a Competent and Trustworthy Leader
Sound Practical When Talking About Overcoming Mistakes
Sound Dynamic When Talking About Preparation and Getting Started
Sound Professional When Attracting Customers
Making Your Company Sound Innovative
Sound Professional When Talking About Rules and Regulations
Sound Professional When Discussing Risk
Sound Professional When Talking About Values
Sound Professional When Talking About Image
Sound Professional When Talking About Positive Times
Sound Practical When Talking About Difficult Times
Sound Professional When Talking About Uncertain Times
Sound Intelligent When Talking About Facts, Stats, Evidence and Data
Sound Professional When Describing Increases and Decreases
Sound Professional When Participating in a Negotiation
Sound Like a Great Negotiator - Talking About a Negotiation
Key Adverbs, Conjunctions and Mini Expressions to Add to Your Professional English
Sound Professional when Discussing the Economic Situation

Check out a Sample Module and other Materials we use in Lessons!

Learn more than just English with Fluency Space

Informative articles based on bestselling books from leading thinkers in business.  Adapted specifically for Fluency Space students and filled with vocabulary that you will need to use with clients.  Enjoy as articles or stunning presentations.

Forbes - Top 10 Qualities that make a Great Leader
The 80/20 Principle - The Secret to achieving more with less
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Simon Sinek - Start with 'why': Inspire action with the power of 'why'
Dale Carnegie - How to Make Friends and Influence People
The Dunning-Kruger Effect - The Cognitive Bias that could Make or Break your Business 
The Mindset That Brings Unlimited Willpower
The Culture Map - How to Communicate in Business across Different Cultures
The Secrets of the High Potential Personality
How to Conquer Imposter Syndrome
Tablets and the War for Productivity
The Power of Habit - The Science of Habit Forming
Ernest Shackleton - Exemplary Leadership from a Failed Mission
CEO of Microsoft AI Mustafa Suleyman - AI is Turning into Something Completely New
7 Modern Lessons from the Apollo Moon Landing
10 Grand Challenges we will Face by 2050

Entertaining Articles from the World of Business to Blow your Mind!

Fyre - How not to Organise a Luxury Music Festival: A Tale of Chronic Mismanagement
Making a Killing - The Agent who Manages Deceased Celebrities
24 Hours in a Tokyo Micro Apartment - Would you Survive a Night in a 9m-Squared Room?
The Joys of Being an Absolute Beginner
Dumbphones - People want them, Will Companies make them?
Saudi Arabia's Vision for a 170km Long Mega-City - Far-Fetched Dream or Future Reality? 
Selfie Culture
Protecting Local Languages - A Look at the Fates of Welsh and Singlish
The Rise of the "Beigefluencers" 
Personality Testing - Finding the Real You
The People Walker - An Exciting New Business Venture Awaits, are you ready to Capitalise?
The Rise of the De-influencer - Convincing Consumers NOT to Buy
The "Enhanced" Olympics - A New Olympics is in the Pipeline, Should it be allowed to happen? 
New Zealand Brain Drain - Why Record Numbers of New Zealanders are Leaving
Digital Minimalism - Finding Quiet in a Noisy World
Why the Canadian Town of Asbestos Wants a New Name
6 Things That People Around the World do to Slow Down

Check out a Sample Module and Other Materials We use in Lessons!

The Fluency Space Philosophy is a Dedication to Fluency

We identify areas of vocabulary that you are missing by targeting discussion towards your specific role, or conducting role-plays based on specific scenarios that you encounter in your business life.

One of the cornerstones to the Fluency Space philosophy is the repetition of what we have already learnt. At the beginning of each lesson, We review old vocabulary with quick-fire verbal exercises, not just from the previous lesson, but from 5 lessons ago, 10 lessons ago in order to keep everything fresh.

After revising the vocabulary, we make a list of around 5 or 6 pieces of vocabulary relevant to the upcoming discussion. The student attempts to use as many of these words as possible in their active speaking through various scoring and gamification techniques. 

Once we have established a habit of attempting to use new vocabulary in guided speaking, students start using new words automatically in their speaking without thinking. At Fluency Space, we use gamification to assess the use of new vocabulary in completely free active speaking.

Grammar - How to Sound Professional with Accuracy in Active Speaking

Our highly-qualified teachers have worked extensively with speakers of French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian. We have an understanding of the specific grammar difficulties that speakers of many world languages experience.  We can offer you specific grammar tuition based on this knowledge.

Published Books and Excellent Visual Materials from Fluency Space

Fluency Space has published a complete guide to using verb tenses in business, helping you to see verb tenses like never before with over 250 diagrams.  All materials are free for you or your company through the purchase of a lesson package.

Download a free chapter

We offer all new students a full grammar test and level assessment, which is specifically adapted for Business English. From this, we can establish your goals for yours or your team's English development. Based on 12 years of experience, we specialise in the following grammar topics.

 Present Simple or Present Continuous Verb Tenses
 Present Perfect or Past Simple Verb Tenses
 Verb Tenses with 'for', 'since' and 'how long'
 Verb Tenses to Talk About Future Events and Plans
 Future from the Past and Indirect Speech
 Passive Sentences for Official and Company Uses
 Conditional Sentences
 Key Prepositions and Collocations in Business English
 Key Verb Patterns in Business English
 Key Uncountable Nouns in Business English
 Adjectives with -ing and -ed
 Articles with 'a' and 'the'
 Used to / be used to / get used to
 'If' and 'in case'

Do you struggle with understanding certain accents? Improve your listening fast with Fluency Space

Learn how English is spoken completely differently to how you might think.
Understand how rhythm might be affecting your understanding of English, as well as speaking.
Comprehensive guide and training on how to understand different accents based on differences in consonants, vowels, intonation and rhythm.
Learning materials from structured listening exercises as well as real-life business interviews from YouTube or Ted Talks 

Download a Sample Listening Training Exercise and Guide

Why Companies and Professionals Love Fluency Space


David is always so well-prepared and very supportive during and outside the classes. Unfailingly ready to answer any questions.


Lucie Kristenova

Language Teacher, Lyon, France


David is a professional! His lessons are focused on a result. He sets goals with students and reaches these goals.

Fluency Space Student

Denis Gvozd

Co-Founder at Dev Team, Minsk, Belarus


Thank you so much for your thorough preparation. You are truly the most responsible English teacher that I have ever met.

A Student

Ellen Zhuang

Product Manager at, Shanghai

Check out over 50 more reviews here

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Be one of the first 50 to join and get a huge discount!

Your advanced English training center. Over 600 pages of PDFs. over 250 diagrams and hundreds of exercises.  32 Vocabulary lessons covering the 400 most important phrases for advanced Business, 2x monthly Adapted Business English texts, 2x monthly YouTube listening lessons, 'How to Use English Verb Tenses in Business' textbook.

All of this and much more for only $5.99 per month. Cancel anytime!


Look inside for 60 pages of sample materials to get you started!

Vocabulary lesson "Sound Professional When Discussing Research and Making Decisions"
Intermediate reading lesson (PDF and presentation slides)
Advanced reading lesson (PDF and presentation slides)
Advanced authentic listening lesson
Textbook "How to Use English Verb Tenses in Business" Chapter 1 with 12 diagrams
2 grammar workouts
2 vocabulary workouts
Get 60 pages of free samples and look inside
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